Word #4 of #365 for year 2015 is “elephant” contributed by my aunt Corrina.
This is what I came up with:
Dear God,
I haven’t written to you in a while. But I thought I might just in case you still read letters. I’m writing to ask – isn’t that why everyone contacts you?
With each season, green leaves turn to amber then to brown and break apart. You made the world, you know how it works.
See, my mind’s like that too. And that’s the problem. My memories begin in vivid colour, fade to black and white then turn… now what just happened?
So God, please give me an elephant’s memory. The way my mother looked at me when I was first born. The colour of the sky when I spoke to my father about — you know what we spoke about.
I’m not asking for world peace. Or happiness. I’ve learnt to deal with crap. I need memories so that I don’t keep fucking up and having to deal with crap from fucking up.
I promise. You give me this, I won’t be writing to you for a long time.
Yours sincerely