Sumo’s Song

If there’s Leo’s Song, of course, there’ll be one for my Sumo.

The two are really night and day. As I often say (apparently, I like to repeat myself) one is like an Express Stream dog, the other is in Normal Stream with a future in beauty school.

But although Sumo is faster, he gets too excited, too eager, too fast and that makes him rash and behave aggressively.

I did want to record this last week, but over enthusiastically cut nails and equally over enthusiastic strumming gave me a blister on the edge of my finger.

So here I go again, embarrassing myself with an off-key rendition of Sumo’s Song.

The chords are G, D (with a high D), C, D

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Leo’s Song

Guess who I found in my ukulele case after I recorded Leo's Song?
Guess who I found in my ukulele case after I recorded Leo’s Song?

This is a song that I thought up after looking into the blank eyes of Leo, who, after 6 months of training, still isn’t paper trained.

It took me 6 weeks to teach Leo how to shake hands. Now that Leo knows how to shake hands, when I command “down”, he offers his paw.

I did this song in GarageBand, starting by laying down the drum track, then played out the bass track on the computer keyboard.

Then I played the ukulele, sang the song and added the barks.

The chords are F, C5? (CGCG), Am, G

Continue reading “Leo’s Song”


When I clipped your nails too close
Blood dripped
Never a whine or a yelp
A hug and a pat
Forgive me
And you did

When you turned white
With pups in your belly
I carried your pale body to the vet
I said come home
And you did

When your white locks turned bright red
From a cyst
I said don’t you go yet
Wait to come to our new home
And you did

Before I left
I trimmed your hair
And whispered, wait for me
Alas your old heart could not
At last at home you are

Tricky has left us: 9/9/09.

Sumo’s first day

Sumo makes himself at home on the first day and annoys the hell out of Manja, Jojo and Tricky.
[flv href=”” width=”176″ height=”144″ autostart=”false” /]
This crappy video was shot on my mobile phone, edited and converted from .3gp format to .flv with Super.

Also an excuse to try out serving videos on my blog.