Took my Golden Retriever, Rusty out for a walk around 1910 this evening and I saw the most amazing sunset I think I’ve ever seen in Singapore.
Our walking route heads towards the east, so I found myself turning around so frequently, Rusty thought we were heading home.
Finally, I stopped walking and just looked.
I didn’t have my camera. And I wanted to just record that I saw this.
So I whipped out my mobile phone. Just this once, I was glad my mobile phone allows me to do more than just make calls and send SMSes.
In no way do the pictures do it justice. The colours are off.
But you get the idea. The sky had texture, there was depth as clear blue sky peeked out from the thick clouds. And the clouds were bulbous, fat and round, yet, catching the reflection of the sun, they had a surprisingly rough surface.
It was all over in a few minutes. As the sun disappeared, the clouds took on this light bronze colour and became rough and stiff, like a golden skirt of a ballroom dress.