Miserable Sumo

Sumo with collar after castration

No, it’s not the latest satellite dish with live feed. It’s Sumo, just back from being castrated. And boy did he look miserable.

And that damn plastic collar? Cost me $12 on top of the operation of $155. Made in Holland. Can’t some Chinese company do this? At like 1/10th the cost?

We did not feed or let Sumo drink water since midnight last night. And we brought him to the vet at 10am and collected him at 6pm. We were also instructed not to let him eat till 8pm or he might throw up.

For a six month old pup, it must be damn stressful.

When he returned, Sumo refused to walk around. Preferring to stand as still as a statue.

Not until I offered him some chicken did he move close to me. That was at 7pm.

Yah, I didn’t really follow instructions.

At 7:45pm, I couldn’t take it any longer and just gave him his dinner. He ate quickly but only a little.

At 8:30pm I gave him food again and this time I called him to come to me.

I think he was feeling a little better, because this time he actually trotted over to me.

But I think he was still feeling the effects of general anaesthesia and couldn’t walk straight.

And he forgot he had the collar on and hooked onto the couch, the door, then he reacted, swung to the other side of the door and knocked into the door jamb.

Crrk, run run run, crrk, run run run, crrk. It was damn funny.

Poor guy.

Oh yah, at the same time the vet recommended pulling out a milk tooth that hadn’t dropped off yet. He said that if by this time it doesn’t drop, it usually stays.

I didn’t want to have teeth problems later, so I said, fine, yank it out while he’s under. It costs $15/tooth!

Sumo’s $15 Milk Tooth

Luckily there was only one to be removed.

Don’t be a doctor. Be a vet. Working hours are shorter. You work when you want to. And people will pay anything for their pets!

This was Sumo before castration. Damn those prick ears!

Sumo running

Sumo Fetching

The two photos above are also my attempts at using hyperfocal distance with my Russian Pentacon 6 Biometar 80/2.8 Carl Zeiss Jena Medium Format lens.

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