On my own

I am now on my own. Parents have returned home, and it’s time for me to check out San Francisco.

Well, I’m not entirely on my own. I’m staying with my friend, T,  and her family in her house, which has been extended over the years, and boy, does she have plans. Vegetable garden here, lemon tree here, compost heap there, new shed here, move old shed the other side, maybe not move it at all, maybe move it back… which reminds me, I’ve yet to take a photo of her house or have a photo with all her family.

Already, we’ve had a barbecue of lamb which was amazingly well cooked by T’s husband, M, who, being Australian, is an old hand at the barbecue. Through the power of observation, I shall learn from the master. Actually, I think I just need a grill with a cover.

Yes, one needs the power of one’s tools when talent is limited.

The other day, T took me to Costco, which had pillow sized portions of meat. Yes, pillow size. I could sleep with one, like a bolster. And I had free samples of food – the best was Haagen Dazs samples. HD! $15 a pint in Singapore and they’re giving out samples here like no one’s business.

Well, it’s good to see old classmates with their families. Nice to see them managing so well. Of course saying this, I’m fully aware that T will read this and could well cancel the BBQ tomorrow, or the Napa Valley tour of wine and olive oil on Wednesday that she could very well cancel if I’m not on my best behaviour. Haha.

But seriously, I’ve done very little in my selfish individual life. And there T is, with O and V, loving them, disciplining them, prepping them for life and tomorrow. It’s an accomplishment, that I don’t think I could ever manage.

No, if I’m a parent, I’m probably one of those people you’d read about in the papers. Frozen child next to Moose Track ice cream in the chest freezer.

Speaking of which, the Safeway Moose Track ice cream is excellent! It’s got Reese’s pieces in it. Lovely!

I love Safeway, I love Ace, I love Lowe’s, I love Target, I love Wal-Mart Super Centres, I love Costco, I love Sam’s Club. So much to love, why am I not living here?

Is the question that has been in my head lately.

In fact, the last few years since I returned from Maine, I’ve wondered when I forgot I once wanted to move here. Because Singapore wasn’t supposed to be my destination. It was supposed to be a stepping stone to somewhere else.

2 Replies to “On my own”

  1. yeah i encourage you to move too. Go go go. we should all go.
    just don’t leave your child behind when you go get ice cream.

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