It used to be that I was pretty keen on observing the elections. I remember staying up just to see the results. The night that black-faced Lee Hsien Loong blubbered that Singaporeans can’t have their bread buttered on both sides. Next to him, Goh Chok Tong sat, grave but collected. It was also the year that there was much vote re-counting as the PAP couldn’t believe the results. They had won. But not with the majority that they thought they’d get.
I think after that, more and more ministers (read: PAP) started doing more walkabouts and happily carrying resident’s babies.
I used to watch Parliamentary debates, as opposition leaders, struggling with their English, stood up to make points that came out so garbled, the other members of Parliament (read: PAP) would laugh and mock them.
The more the PAP mocked them, the more upset I got. Parliamentary debates were conducted but if it was mooted by the PAP, it was almost guaranteed to be passed.
So over the years, that interest petered out. I just couldn’t be bothered. When GRCs were created, I didn’t care. Ask me if I know who so-and-so is, and my answer will be “who?”
This year it’s different. I have to vote. I’m not even sure which ward I’m in, because the electoral boundaries have been redrawn. But all around me, the wards are being contested, so for sure, I’ll have to put a tick in a box. Continue reading “Looking in all the wrong places…”