Note: The day described here really happened on the 23rd of August 2012.
I had a very restful night, thanks to ear plugs that I now bring on trips with fellow travellers who snore loudly. It’s their problem if I’m the one snoring and they don’t have ear plugs right? So other than the tea coloured water at Aultguish Inn, I thought nothing of the stay until it was time to load the car.
When I got to the car, I found the front passenger’s window wound down completely. That was curious. It was raining when we arrived and it was cold and the heater in the car was on. I loaded up the car anyway. Then I walked to the driver’s side and discovered that window too, wound completely down.
I started thinking – could the windows have dropped into the door? Because that was what happened to one of our Nissan’s? But it’d be a huge coincidence if BOTH windows did that at the same time.
And then I noticed something else. The locks were also up… And I was sure I double checked locking the doors the night before.
I wondered if there were some people in the middle of nowhere who had taken the car out for a joyride.
What I haven’t mentioned is this: The room had three double beds. And my parents ended up in the same bed in the morning. This again is odd, as they can sleep on their own quite happily when necessary.
But it turned out my mother felt a bony man enter her bed in the middle of the night, and so clambered into my father’s bed after the bony man had left.
And so… that is how an ordinary stay at an inn along the highway made it’s impression on us.
Aultguish Inn. I may never forget the name.