Putting together a bed

It all began with me leaving my bed at my old house. It was an Ikea Lillehammer $90 bed for the frame and $30 for the slats. And I thought, I’ll just get another. But Ikea had replaced it with a brown coloured equivalent called Eina ($139) which was of even lower quality.

Then I got the wrong sized sheets – super single instead of single and thought of upgrading a few more centimeters.

Looking at the Lillehammer, which was a four sided frame on four legs, I thought, this shouldn’t be too hard.

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The Kampong Girl, Silverware and US-made products

This morning I woke up at 6am because the electricity tripped. The maid was ironing my mom’s skirt for work. Why she had to do it so early in the morning instead of last night? I don’t know.

All I know is I’m the one who had to wake up, find the key to the gatepost and re-instate our modern quality of life because my parents didn’t even know the electricity was cut off. Even if they had known, would they have bothered?

After that, I simply couldn’t get back to sleep. The dogs also got excited and woke up early.

As a result, I started polishing my mother’s silverware which, due to long storage, I’d taken out and soaked in lemon juice, dish washing liquid and aluminum foil, overnight. And as I got sleepier, the dogs went back to sleep, full from their meal, I pressed on polishing up silver that hadn’t seen light of day after a grand total of 4 dinners many years ago.

Continue reading “The Kampong Girl, Silverware and US-made products”