Going to the bank

It’s been many moons since I’ve been to the bank.

Internet Banking has made it possible to do most tasks without ever lining up at a branch.

Funds transfers to my parents, payments for my AIA insurance, payment for my Amex credit card, my Robinsons card – I do all of these online.

Thankfully. Because what I saw today at the OCBC Ang Mo Kio branch really irritated me.

Continue reading “Going to the bank”

Mail for the trash

When it comes to mail, there are usually only two stacks. Trash or bills.

The other third, less common stack are the surprises – actual letters from people you want to hear from and birthday cards that don’t come from NTUC income, your insurance agent or any other company you do business with. Actually those never form a stack. But I can hope.

Most times, you can’t wait to get rid of the trash stack.

But there are times when they are worth a look.

Like the mailer I received today. Continue reading “Mail for the trash”