Are you ready for 6.5mil people?

Yesterday, my dad was on the MRT at around 4pm. The train was packed.

He got whacked in the face and stomach – supposedly accidental – prompting him to wonder to my mother why the MRT was packed at non-peak hour.

After he got off the MRT and was crossing the road to get the car, he was talking about how wonderful it was to be in safe Singapore. In other countries, they’d be pickpocketed.

And at that very moment, he felt for his pockets and realised that his mobile phone had been taken.

Continue reading “Are you ready for 6.5mil people?”

Dust buster bus

Over the last 10 years or so the Singapore public bus companies have changed all their buses to air-conditioned ones.

Gone are the days of foggy windows on a rainy day. Gone are the days of finger drawing on the condensation – my version of legal graffitti. No more greasy wind blowing into my face as I looked out the window on fine days. Continue reading “Dust buster bus”